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Five gifts for colour lovers

We’re very excited to share our first Christmas gifting round up! We’ve kept them short and sweet as we’ve got so many small businesses we want to shout out over the coming weeks.

For our first one, it seemed only right to share some of our favourite colourful products that have caught our eye recently. We LOVE colour, and with it being Colour Friday this week, this little round up felt like the perfect fit.

We hope you find these useful and if we can inspire you to buy even one gift from a small business then we’ll be happy!

First up, this super fun tufted rainbow mirror by yarn queen, Holly Rux (top left). Holly’s wall hangings have been on our shopping list for months and we’re now lusting after one of these mirrors for our workshop too.

When we saw this stripy match stick holder from Hello Marilu (top right), we both virtually screamed ‘NEON PINK MATCHES’! Stripes, scallops, neon... what more can you ask for? The match holder comes in five colours, is hand cast in jesmonite and you can choose from a huge range of coloured matches to fill it.

And leading nicely on from matches to candles, this set of 12 tapered twirl rainbow candles by Esh (centre) come beautifully boxed ready to gift. They’re made using soy wax with a recycled cotton wick and organic dyes, tick, tick, tick!

You know when you don’t know you need something, until you see it? The everyday pouch from Elizabeth Scarlett is exactly that (bottom left). Super soft fabric with beautiful embroidery, it’s super versatile and *might* make you feel more organised. We’ll be storing our phone, lip balm, a pen and notebook in ours… and some emergency Pret chocolate almonds, just in case.

Last but not least, these laser cut mirror decorations by Fizz Goes Pop (bottom right) are a perfect meeting of the past and present. Shapes and colours that evoke retro vibes with the sharp clean lines of laser cut acrylic. Plus, they‘re not breakable, which I’m realising is a bonus with a small human grabbing at the tree. RIP to all my beautiful hand blown glass baubles I’ve collected over the past decade…

Dear Santa, I've been very good this year, please may I have one of each?

And whilst we're talking all about colour, we have two personalised bracelets that fit the bill! The Neon One and The Colourful One!

More gift guides coming soon, let us know if you've got any tricky people to buy for and we'll see if we can help you shop small!

Kate x


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