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Our slogan ‘more than just beads’ is the underpinning of our business. Alongside being socially and environmentally conscious, we want to use our business to support causes we’re passionate about.

That’s why we’re pledging to donate a minimum of 20% of our profits to charities, organisations or causes that are striving to make the world better, help those who need it and leave the world better than they found it. We’ll aim to build a relationship with the party we are fundraising for, donate our time and help spread awareness too.

We will be supporting smaller causes because, whilst the big ones are hugely important and do vital work, we feel that the lesser known causes often have more direct impact in the community and receive less funding - especially during the cost of living crisis!

Each time we select a partner, we’ll be asking you guys to help us! Use the form below to nominate a charity or cause you think we need to know about, and keep an eye on our instagram for more opportunities to get involved.


Save The Children, The Emergency Fund.


Whilst we will normally be supporting smaller, more local initiatives, at present we feel that we must do all we can to support the children across the world suffering due to conflict.


Save the Children’s Emergency Fund does just that. This Fund allows them to be by a child’s side as soon as possible when disaster strikes to help them survive and rebuild their lives.

Every child deserves to be safe, warm and fed and Save The Children’s work helps to bring that to children living in conflict.




100% of profits donated to Style Acre, a charity that helps adults with learning difficulties realise their full potential.


As an endometriosis sufferer, this one is really important to me! 50% of profits will be donated to Endometriosis UK, the UK's leading charity pushing for prompt diagnosis, better treatment and support.


Do you know a great charity or organisation that aligns with our mission? We’d love to know about them. Please submit the info below and we will consider them when selecting our next partner!

Thank you!

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